Higher order array methods in JavaScript
Understand the various higher order array methods through examples
Array is one of the most used data types. We, as a developer, have to deal with many arrays while developing our applications. Sometimes looping through the array using various loops alone is not sufficient for us. So, there comes the higher order array methods in rescue. We have various built in array methods that make our life easier while dealing with arrays. In this article, we are going to see the definition and the implementation of various higher order array methods.
First, let's know about the higher order functions. A higher order function is a function that takes a function as an argument, or returns a function. For example, the map function takes another function as an argument. We will discuss the map function later in this article.
function higherOrderfunction(callback){
For this article we will take the array people to demonstrate the working of the array methods. So, don't get confused if you see people array later in the examples and you don't see the array itself. Now let's start the adventure.
const people = [
{name: 'John',adult: true,age: 19},
{name: 'Joe',adult: true,age: 23},
{name: 'Mira',adult: false,age: 10},
{name: 'David',adult: false,age: 14},
Filter, as the name suggests, is used to filter out arrays based on the conditions we provide. It saves us from writing tedious for loop. This method returns the array of the filtered elements from the main array. The basic syntax for this method is:
const filteredArray = Array.filter((element,index,array) => {/* filtering condition*/})
element : it is the current element that is being processed based on the filtering condition index: this represents the index of the current element array : this is the array we are filtering index and array are optional parameters.
Filter method takes the element of the main array and filters it based on the condition we pass and returns it if it satisfies the condition. If none of the elements satisfies the condition, the filter method returns an empty array. Now let’s see it’s implementation.
const adult = people.filter( person => person.age > 18 )
// output: [{name: 'John',adult: true,age: 19},{name: 'Joe',adult: true,age: 23}]
adult is now a filtered array which consists of the person whose age is greater than 18.
Map transforms the array. In other words, it takes the element of the given array, transforms it according to the transformation condition we give and returns the array of those transformed elements. Let’s understand through code.
const mappedArray = people.map( person => person.age + 2 )
console.log(mappedArray) //output: [21,25,12,16]
In this example, map loops through every element of the people array and adds 2 to the age of every person and returns the array of the transformed array, transformed in the sense that the age of every person is increased by 2. This may not be the brightest example but I hope you see what’s going on here.
This reduces an array to a single value based on the reducer function we provide. Suppose we need to sum the age of every person in the people array. Traditionally with the loops, we loop through each person and carry out the sum as given below:
let sum = 0
for(let i=0; i<people.length; i++){
sum = sum + people[i].age
console.log(sum) //66
Now using reduce method, we can achieve the same result as:
const sumOfAges = people.reduce( (accumulator,person) => accumulator + person.age ,0)
console.log(sumOfAges) //output: 66
Pretty clean right? Now, let’s understand what is going on here. First, let’s understand the parameters of the callback function. Accumulator accumulates all the values previously returned by the callback function. If it’s the first time the function is called then it consists of the initial value provided, in our case that is 0. Basically, what we are saying here is, start to add the ages from 0. person is the current element of the array. Let’s understand in this way:
//first step
//as we have provided the initial value as 0
accumulator = 0
//and the current element i.e the first element of the array people
person = { name: 'John',adult: true,age: 19 }
//the reducer function returns accumulator + person.age which is the stored in accumulator i.e
accumulator = accumulator + person.age // accumulator = 0 + 19
//second step
//accumulator now stores the returned value of previous iteration i.e 0 + 19 = 19
//and the person now is the second element of the array
person = {name: 'Joe',adult: true,age: 23}
//now the calculation is done as
accumulator = accumulator + person.age // accumulator = 19 + 23 = 42
These steps are stored until the final calculation is done. If the initial value is not given, the first element of the array is taken as the initial accumulator and the current element is taken from the second element.
const array = [2,4,1,5]
const sum = array.reduce( (accumulator,current) => accumulator + current )
//in the first iteration accumulator = 2 and current = 1
console.log(sum) //output: 12
Similar to map function, it takes a callback function as an argument and transforms the array elements. But unlike map method, it doesn’t return a new array instead returns undefined. So, if you want to play with the transformed array, then forEach() method is not for you. But if you simply want to apply some changes in array elements, then you can use it as follow:
people.forEach( person => {
const age = person.age + 2
console.log(age) // 21 25 12 16
Remember this example? Scroll a bit above and you will see similar examples in the map method as well. But in this case, it doesn’t return an array. Let's see if it returns something:
const usedForEach = people.forEach( person => {
const age = person.age + 2
return age
console.log(usedForEach) //undefined
So, if you want to work with the transformed array, you should make use of the map method and not rely on the forEach().
Sort method sorts the element in the array. It sorts the elements as strings in alphabetical order.
const teams = ['real madrid','barcelona','villarreal']
const sortedTeams = teams.sort()
console.log(sortedTeams) // "barcelona","real madrid","villarreal"]
These teams are sorted alphabetically as b comes first and r and the v. If we have numbers to be sorted and don’t want them to be interpreted as strings, we have to provide a compare function to sort method as an argument.
const array = [9,80,2,100]
const sortedArray = array.sort((a,b) => a-b)
console.log(sortedArray) // [2,9,80,100]
Comparefunction takes the two elements and returns negative, zero or positive based on the subtraction. If returned negative then a is smaller than b. If you want to know more about the compare function refer to MDN docs .
Chaining methods
You can also chain these methods to get the result you want.
const adultAgeSum = people.filter(person => person.adult).map(adult => adult.age).reduce((accumulator,current) => accumulator+current);
console.log(adultAgeSum) // output: 42
Firstly, the filter method returns an array of adult people i.e returns a person if the adult is true. map method then returns the array of ages of the adults and the reduce method finally adds all the ages.
In real life projects, you might encounter many use cases of these higher order methods which will make your work easier. So, knowing all these methods will surely be helpful in your coding journey. Let me know if I missed something.